Раздел: Гуманитарные науки

Эссе Studying abroad? Easily!

Топик (эссе) по английскому языку на тему «Обучение за границей? Легко!» — Studying abroad? Easily!.

11 years in school. 11 years full of wonderful moments, about which almost everyone will reminisce during the whole life. Graduation is an essential ceremony for many pupils, bright and remarkable event, where you are very happy and at the same time sad about leaving school. Superb dresses, pleasant atmosphere…

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Эссе Graduation

Топик (эссе) по английскому языку на тему «Выпускной» — Graduation.

11 years in school. 11 years full of wonderful moments, about which almost everyone will reminisce during the whole life. Graduation is an essential ceremony for many pupils, bright and remarkable event, where you are very happy and at the same time sad about leaving school. Superb dresses, pleasant atmosphere…

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Эссе Why to be a chemist?

Топик (эссе) по английскому языку на тему «Зачем становиться химиком» — Why to be a chemist.

Today the most popular professions are connected with information technologies and economics and it is natural for the century of fast developing society. Such jobs as managers and programmers are very attractive for future students: they are prestigious and well paid. However, such unprepossessing professions as engineers, doctors, teachers, workers are also important and very required…

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Эссе Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear

Топик (эссе) по английскому языку на тему «Библиотеки теряют популярность и скоро исчезнуть» — Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.

In my way of thinking, libraries still have great importance. Moreover, they are an essential part of any town and they will not disappear. The main reason for it is that many people often go to the library because it is the only free source of books they have. For instance, many old people can't use computers or other devices to download or read e-books, so they visit libraries…

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Эссе Why it is important to study

Топик (эссе) по английскому языку на тему «Почему важно учиться» — Why it is important to study.

From the earliest childhood till nowadays parents tell us to study, study and study. There is no doubt that it means to do all home tasks to listen to the teacher, not to talk on the lessons and so on. But in my view to study means to get not only academical knowledge, but knowledge that are not written in textbooks, such as sense of duty and responsibility…

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Сочинение Что это было: любовь или сумасшествие?

Сочинение по повести А. И. Куприна "Гранатовый браслет" на тему "Что это было: любовь или сумасшествие?"

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Страны на карте мира

страны, земной шар, глобус

Демонстративный материал "Страны на карте мира" для общего ознакомления. Изображения стран, блоков стран, частей света на Земном шаре. Меридианы не в масштабе. + Красочные анимации.

НАТО, Передняя Азия, Россия, СНГ, СССР, США.

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Презентация Pointillism

пуантилизм, pointillism

24 слайда, 10 класс, 2012 год.

Презентация о пуантилизме (направление в искусстве). Содержит подробные сведения о художниках, картинах, технике выполнения с многочисленными картинками и примерами. Также имеются вопросы и задания к теме.

Paul Signac
The scheme of Pointillism

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