Видео Environmental problems I

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Topical Vocabulary Environmental problems

Nature is our habitat, our home, which is lovely in any season and weather. It gives us the best and the most cherished moments when

  • The air is fresh, clean and transparent
  • There is a nip in the air
  • The sun is shining brightly
  • There is a light wind or breeze blowing
  • There is a heavy fall of snow
  • There is a light mist in the air
  • It is raining and the raindrops are falling softly on the ground
  • It is freezing slightly and big soft snowflakes are falling
  • The trees are dressed in green
  • Everything around is in bloom
  • Tiny leaves are beginning to appear
  • Little lambs are frisking
  • The forest is penetrated with sun rays
  • The water is in moonlit
  • The sunrise and sunset look spectacular and glorious
  • The sea is calm and the water is crystal clear

But nature is not always so friendly and placid/ from time to time it can be on its bad behavior, in which case:

  • Volcanoes begin erupting
  • Earthquakes can destroy cities
  • Certain areas can be hit by flood
  • The sea is rough
  • Storms, tornadoes, tsunamis and hurricanes break out
  • During thunderstorms there are tremendous claps of thunder and flashes of lightning
  • It can pour with rain
  • Torrents of water run along the roads
  • Torrential rain falls nard and fast
  • The sky is overcast
  • The wind blows in gusts
  • A thick blinding fog spreads



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