Видеоклип Grand Kremlin Palace

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Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace is one of Moscow Kremlin Palaces. It was built during the reign of Nicolay I by group of Russian architectors (Thon, Chichagov and others)
This dignified palace is 125m long and 47m high. The total square of the building is 25000 m2.
The Grand Kremlin Palace includes the Terem Palace, 700 spacious rooms, 9 beautiful churches, built in 14, 16 and 17th centuries.
An interesting fact: Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty ratification there.
The Grand Kremlin Palace was the Russian tsars’ residence and today it is used for state and diplomatic receptions and official ceremonies.
There are five refined halls in Grand Kremlin Palace: Georgievsky, Vladimirsky, Aleksandrovsky, Andreyevsky, and Ekaterininsky.
The interior of halls is decorated with paintings, carvings of stone, capitals, internal marble colonnades.
An interesting fact: in 1934 Aleksandrovsky and Andreyevsky halls were ruined and united in one big hall. But in 1994-1998 by Yeltsin’s decision they were restored.
The Palace’s style is eclectic. It combines classical, neoclassical and baroque styles. This feature makes the building very dignified.
Grand Kremlin Palace is an object of cultural heritage of RF.



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