Видеоклип Organic Architecture

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Organic architecture

During the whole history people have been trying to make their habitats more comfortable, as the result thee appeared new architectural tendencies and organic architectural style is one of them.
It is a style based on natural forms and harmonious incorporation of buildings into natural surroundings.
The idea of this style seems to be unconventional because of original shapes of buildings and at the same time primitive, as earth houses and bunkers were known to people long time before organic architectural style appeared.
In this case African and Australian tribes even don’t suspect that they follow modern architectural tendencies)
On the one hand, constructions in organic architectural style are suitable for big cites as they can attract a lot of tourists, but this style can’t be a solutions of ecological problem, as you can’t build factories in rocks or cover their walls with bushes.
On the other hand such kind of buildings are suitable and useful for countryside, because natural and economical conditions don’t allow people build houses however and wherever they want. But in this case it is not an architectural tendency, but a necessity.


There are a lot of buildings that repeat natural forms. They are now very popular, because they attract a lot of tourists and make the city landscape more impressive and original. There is also such kind of building in Vladivostok. A new oceanarium is being built on Russian Island. The building itself has a form of sea-shell. Its façade is decorated with glass and the roof is embellished with blue panels. The territory outside the building is beautified with sculptures of animals . also there is an artificial rock and a stub with roots made from concrete, by the way, all of this look very natural.
People are not allowed to visit this establishment, because it is in process of constructing. So you have a unique opportunity to see this process.



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