Эссе Why to be a chemist?

Today the most popular professions are connected with information technologies and economics and it is natural for the century of fast developing society. Such jobs as managers and programmers are very attractive for future students: they are prestigious and well paid. However, such unprepossessing professions as engineers, doctors, teachers, workers are also important and very required.

I refer to those, who is going to choose unattractive job – chemist. By the way, it is not exactly a job.

Why chemist?

Since my early childhood I have been interested in how the world is made. I am fond of documentary films about space, history, wild life, environment, travelling, discoveries. I like reading encyclopedias, studying atlases, surfing different popular science sites. It always excites me. I can say that gaining knowledge is my hobby.

But as for chemistry, I didn't explode handmade bombs or something like that (to tell the truth it isn't very interesting for me). My choice was influenced by a great person, my first chemistry teacher Kulakova Valentina Alexandrovna who had unconventional methods of teaching.

So since that time I decided to dedicate myself to chemistry.

In my view, the thing of the first importance in any occupation is to love what you do. Only in this case, when you like your job, you can achieve success.

When my friends ask me about my future career and hear my answer they begin to joke about cooking meth. But when they begin to reflect on my words they wonder, what I am going do. A lot of people think that if you have chemical education the only job you can get is a chemistry teacher. Of course, it is not true. Chemists work in laboratories, conduct research projects, write articles and do many other things (that are useful for society and its development).

I am also interested in researching but more in popularization of science.

Unfortunately, many teens don't know how interesting and exciting science can be. They often say about such school subjects as, for instance, physics and math: "I won't need this knowledge in future", "How can logarithms be useful in my profession of a lawyer?".

I think it would be great to launch some popularization project, to make complicated science attractive and understandable for people as I once was attracted to the world of science by films and books of some enthusiasts. In addition to it, science is not only fascinating. Perhaps, people would think twice before making tattoos or taking drugs (how fondly ☺).




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